May 21, 2012
issue 002 is printing.
this is all we’re showing of the cover until you’ve seen it in person.
issue 002 is printing.
this is all we’re showing of the cover until you’ve seen it in person.
color magazine – spring 2012 issue 10.1
review by isaac mckay-randozzi
click image to read
an antics review of 43 from dec 2011.
antics is an independent dutch skate scene website.
on friday, february 3, 2012, eightball skate shop and strange skateboards held a 43 magazine launch in bassano del grappa, north italy.
the show featured 8 30cm x 45cm prints of photographs from the premiere issue,
shot by eric antoine, brian gaberman, hendrik herzmann, brendan klein, and allen ying;
featuring skateboarders steve forstner, levi brown, daryl angel, tyler mumma,
brian delatorre, jimmy lannon, and stevie williams.
thanks alessandra andreon dal toso and davide martinazzo for making this happen.
event photos are courtesy of ramon zuliani.
steve forstner – ollie – lyon, france – by eric antoine – 2007
check out a couple more photos on 43’s facebook page.
pdn magazine (photo district news)
discusses 43 in their march 2012 diy issue
alongside 2 other magazines founded by photographers:
trunk and dossier journal.
eightball skate shop and strange skateboards
present 43 to northern italy.
photography show
friday, february 3, 2012
via schiavonetti 22
36061 bassano del grappa