January 11, 2012
if you haven’t picked up a hard copy yet, here’s a little sample.
contents spread
daryl angel – fakie 5-0 grind – berlin, germany – by hendrik herzmann – 2010
opening spread for “easy come, easy go” by brendan klein
adam morgan – frontside slide and roll – north hollywood, california – 2010
skaters from sacramento – watsonville, california – 2010
opening spread for the brian delatorre feature
nollie kickflip – the bronx, new york – by allen ying – 2009
ok, we get it. you’re all great skateboarders. as good as the pros, maybe better. cool. maybe gatorade will put you on the team, and grandma can tune in to watch you on street league. your youtube part is probably insane; HD slow-mos of you tying your shoes and whatnot? epic. but to be honest, you could back noseblunt the space shuttle as it re-entered the earth’s atmosphere and i’d still be bored; because it’s not about what you do, but how you do it. and the truth is, brian delatorre’s “how you do it” is one of the best in the game right now. so put down your trophies and prize money for a moment, but don’t bother taking notes. natural swagger can’t be learned, only observed and appreciated.
– josh stewart
pick one up at your local skate shop;
if they don’t have it, get them to carry 43.
or if you really have to, order direct.